Methodologies, tools and creativity in online collaborative work. A practical case
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1 Aberta University, CLEPUL, University of Lisbon, Portugal
* Corresponding Author
Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, 2021 - Volume 2 Issue 1, pp. 27-43
Published Online: 13 Apr 2021
Views: 253 | Downloads: 130
I will reflect on the work developed at a distance, and online, in 2020, with the Choir Mozart. I intend to: reflect on methodological guidelines and programmatic principles that, in this context, must underlie a choral group; to show how artistic work can be approached online, using various technological tools so that it is possible, at a distance, and online, to perform activities that reveal the most essential human values; demonstrate the pedagogical potential of digital tools for synchronous and asynchronous communication and cooperation that positively enhance the team meeting and working together at a distance, and online; demonstrate, in the context of teaching and distance work, the technological skills of choristers to perform tasks and activities with an emotional impact.
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