Journal of Technologies Information and Communication

Disruption in higher education - a new approach proposal based on collaborative blended mobile learning
Maria José Angélico Gonçalves 1 * , Maria João Ferreira 2
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1 CEOS.PP, Porto Accounting and Business School, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
2 Univ Portucalense, REMIT - Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies & IST-TOS - Centro Algoritmi, Univ. Minho, Portugal
* Corresponding Author
Research Article

Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, 2020 - Volume 1 Issue 1, pp. 3-14

Published Online: 16 Jun 2020

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APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Gonçalves & Ferreira, 2020)
Reference: Gonçalves, M. J. A., & Ferreira, M. J. (2020). Disruption in higher education - a new approach proposal based on collaborative blended mobile learning. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, 1(1), 3-14.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Gonçalves MJA, Ferreira MJ. Disruption in higher education - a new approach proposal based on collaborative blended mobile learning. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication. 2020;1(1):3-14.
AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Gonçalves MJA, Ferreira MJ. Disruption in higher education - a new approach proposal based on collaborative blended mobile learning. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication. 2020;1(1), 3-14.
In-text citation: (Gonçalves and Ferreira, 2020)
Reference: Gonçalves, Maria José Angélico, and Maria João Ferreira. "Disruption in higher education - a new approach proposal based on collaborative blended mobile learning". Journal of Technologies Information and Communication 2020 1 no. 1 (2020): 3-14.
In-text citation: (Gonçalves and Ferreira, 2020)
Reference: Gonçalves, M. J. A., and Ferreira, M. J. (2020). Disruption in higher education - a new approach proposal based on collaborative blended mobile learning. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, 1(1), pp. 3-14.
In-text citation: (Gonçalves and Ferreira, 2020)
Reference: Gonçalves, Maria José Angélico et al. "Disruption in higher education - a new approach proposal based on collaborative blended mobile learning". Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 3-14.
The emergence of new technologies contributes to the change in the behavior of society in general and the younger generation, named Generation Z, in particular requires that higher education institutions “look” for teaching in a different way and change the approaches (methodologies) of the teaching learning process. Since the current approach to teaching learning process in higher education is predominantly the traditional model, i.e. expository lectures. Thus, teachers who a collaborative blended mobile learning are stimulating students autonomy and motivation, so that students get more skills. In order to answer these new challenges an innovative approach was developed and implemented. The approach was implemented in a post-graduation course untitled “Web Communication”. The results are very promising because they allow on the one hand student’s engagement, and on the other hand, resulted in a 80% pass rate.
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