Comparison Study between Scientific Conference Management Systems
Vítor Gonçalves 1 * ,
Carlos Cardoso 2,
André Almeida 2 More Detail
1 CIEB, Polytechnic Institute ofe Bragança, Portugal
2 ESTiG, Polytechnic Institute ofe Bragança, Portugal
* Corresponding Author
Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, 2021 - Volume 2 Issue 1, pp. 45-58
Published Online: 13 Apr 2021
Views: 282 | Downloads: 153
Currently, there are thousands of conferences and each one has its own characteristics. This work is part of a real challenge proposed by a structure of a Polytechnic Institute of Portugal, to a team of students, who during a semester, carrying out teamwork, developed technical and transversal knowledge and skills necessary for the execution of a work plan. In this paper, a challenge will be presented, which consisted of comparing management systems for scientific conferences. The result of the comparative analysis of three main free online platforms will be presented, through a comparison matrix based on several parameters that were measured on a Likert scale at the level of criteria such as usability, accessibility, and functionality. The results seem to point to the EasyChair system, except if it is a small local conference with less than 30 submissions.
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